Eu sou uma

junior front-end developer

junior front-end developer

junior front-end developer

junior front-end developer

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about me

name & stuff

Hi! I am Czarena /Zerina/ Wealth, but you can call me Czacza /Zaza/. I am CS Major, and I usually spend my time learning or researching cool Behance and dribble designs so I can recreate them and/or understand the designer's mind. Oh, and I spend a lot of time on Awwwards too because there's so much inspiration there. Well, thanks for stopping by here, now go explore the other "About" sections (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

Hi! I am Czarena but you can call me Czacza. I am a CS Major who is 100% stoked about 3d experiences on the web!

hear me out!

3D on the web is the best thing the web could EVURR get! Just imagine 3d interactions, models, game-controls everywhere, literally everywhereee. That is just a vibeeeeee!
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk!

tech stack

Oh you know, HTML5, CSS3, JAVASCRIPT, GSAP and recently started learning Three.js and I would actually add my first Three.js project to this website so stay tuned :) Don't go anywhere! Pleaseee (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)


When I say I learn for entertainment, people don't get it. Try learning Three.js, GSAP, Spline, or Javascript even. The trill & euphoria of your code working not only your computer (haha *wink wink*) is a must-have experience. Oh and don't get me started with the whole process, IT'S TOTALLY WORTH IT! (❁´◡`❁)


So....., I am a Native English Speaker, however I also speak Fluent Brazilian Portuguese, Pre-intermediate Chinese, Basic Spanish (thanks Portuguese for the advantage), Nothing-to-write-home-about Twi (A Ghanaian dialect) and like super super Basic Japanese. Uhhhhh....yah (o゜▽゜)o☆

Cool Stuff

I once decided to take a project-based approach to learn Creative Coding with Javascript and guess what? I lovedt it!!! I would definitely add some project screenshots somewhere here, so kindly make sure you check it out and definitely give me feedback on how I can make it better. T for thanks! :)

ReadyPlayerMe - 3d Avatar of Czarena Wealth


Omnifood Project

Omnifood Project

A website for a startup which specializes in making people eat healthily

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Tis Day

Tis Day

3d Simulation of the earth

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Creative Coding with Javascript

Creative Coding with Javascript

Generative art with Javascript

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Personal Portfolio

Personal Portfolio

Personal Portfolio website that was created as a technical task for a Web Intern Position

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Tis Night

Tis Night

3d Simulation of the earth at night

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Creative Coding with Javascript

Creative Coding with Javascript

Generative art with Javascript

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Spin, Spin Away

Spin, Spin Away

My first Three.js Project: Side-by-Side 3D meshes

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Trippy-D Text

Trippy-D Text

3d text geometry exploration with Three.js

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Creative Coding with Javascript

Creative Coding with Javascript

Generative art with Javascript

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Three.js project where 3D child mesh rotates around parent mesh in a loop

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Creative Coding with Javascript

Creative Coding with Javascript

Generative art with Javascript

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Creative Coding with Javascript

Creative Coding with Javascript

Generative art with Javascript

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contact me

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